Embarking from Port Haliguen, you’ll discover a fishermen village typical of the Morbihan coastline, once known for the sardines fishing trade and its coastal trade schooners. Then enjoy the crossing of the
The cruises depart Tuesdays and Thursdays from July 7 th to August 27 th, 2020. Contact us for cruises operating in June and September.
Port Haliguen is situated 10 minutes from the city centre of Quiberon, near the outstanding Pointe du Conguel from where you can see the famous Teignousse lighthouse, as much dreaded as heartening for yachtsmen and other sailors.
To depart from Port Haliguen, tickets can be purchased from Quiberon Tourist office, n°14 rue de Verdun. Telephone : 02 97 50 07 84. Other tourist offices in the area also sell cruise tickets : Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, Erdeven, Plouharnel, Carnac … or buy them online from our website: www.vedettes-angelus.com